Filmed Live Musicals

Kisses on a Postcard

May 18, 2023 Luisa Lyons Season 1 Episode 62

Host Luisa Lyons chats with Dominic Frisby about the history and the creation of audio musical Kisses on a Postcard, based on Terence Frisby’s musical and radio play Just Remember Two Things… It’s Not Fair and Don’t Be Late.

Described as “Oliver for vacee kids,” Kisses on a Postcard tells the story of brothers Terence and Jack Frisby who were evacuated from London to Cornwall during World War II. Dominic Frisby — comedian, composer, financial writer,  and son of Dominic Frisby — adapted Kisses on a Postcard into an audio musical during lockdown. 

Dominic Frisby is a British financial writer and comedian. He is the author of several books on finance and economics, including Life After the State, Bitcoin: The Future of Money? and Daylight Robbery: How Tax Shaped Our Past and Will Change Our Future. Frisby is a regular contributor to financial publications, including MoneyWeek. As a comedian, Frisby has performed stand-up comedy in the UK and internationally.

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Filmed Live Musicals is created by Luisa Lyons, an Australian actor, writer, and musician. Luisa holds a Masters in Music Theatre from London's Royal Central School of Speech and Drama and now lives, works, and plays in New York. Learn more at and follow on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.